logo_iaos-300x134Please consider submitting a paper for a special issue of the Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics on urban, regional and small area statistics.

Papers dealing with geographical and other breakdowns of official statistics related to relevant urban and regional planning, territorial and targeted policies on various levels of government are welcome. Papers dealing with the challenges and solutions of integration of geospatial and statistical data are most welcome.

The call embraces also new and evolving uses of small area statistics, e.g., easy access and open access to official statistics of high granularity showing the importance of official statistics in facilitating citizens’ participation.

The deadline for submitting a manuscript is December 1st, 2016.

All submissions will go through the SJIAOS review process.

For information about manuscript preparation and the submission process, please see www.iospress.nl/statistical-journal-of-the-iaos.

Authors are requested to submit their manuscript electronically to the journal’s editorial management system. The length of the manuscript would preferably be 10 -15 pages including tables, graphs and references.

Special issue editor: Ms Asta Manninen, Member of the SJIAOS Editorial Board, asta.manninen@pp.inet.fi

Click here, for more information on the Statistical Journal of the IAOS, or visit www.iospress.nl.

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